Performance Tables
Each year every school across the country is put into a league table, which compares the perfomance of one school against another. The school's performance is measured by the results of the statutory SAT tests undertaken by Year 6 pupils at the school in maths, reading, spelling, punctuation and grammar, in addition to the teacher assessment in writing.
N. E. Lincolnshire Primary School League Table 2019
Enfield Academy of New Waltham is within N. E. Lincolnshire and so is compared to every school across the Local Authority in a local league table. The purpose of the local league table is to ensure parents have access to information about a school's performance in comparison with others locally in order to make the right educational choice for their child / children.
Please click on the link below to access the School Performance Tables published by the Secretary of State.
The league tables for 2019 were published in December 2019.