Welcome to Owl Class!

This is the home of our Year 3 children.

Our class teacher is Miss Brwon and our teaching assistant is Miss Johnson. 

Our classroom is built upon respect, ambition, collaboration and resilience but most of all nurturing a deep love of learning.

Weekly Home Learning

All home learning is due in on a Thursday and will be given out on a Friday. Every week, children will be expected to complete a maths activity and spelling practise. Please ensure children show pride in their presentation; this is a quality they should adhere to through their home learning, in line with the expectations at school.

Maths: the children will be given one maths task per week, which will be specific to their current in-class learning. This should be completed as independently as possible in order to embed skills and learning. The children should still access ‘Times Tables Rockstars’ in order to embed the rapid recall of their times tables.

Spelling: the children will be given a spelling grid at the start of each half term and weekly spelling homework. This details the spellings that the children are expected to learn each week, as well as the spelling rule that is the focus. Spelling tests will be conducted every Friday morning; please ensure your child practises the spellings for the correct test date.

Reading: In KS2, your child is expected to read at least three times a week for a sustained period of around 15 minutes. This is absolutely paramount in order to build fluency and understanding. You should ask your child questions about what they have read to check understanding. Sign, date and number your child's reading record so they are eligible for the reading rewards scheme. Reading records will be collected on a daily basis to monitor your child’s reading. The children can then change their books as necessary.

“There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.”
– Walt Disney


Every Monday and Friday afternoon

PE lessons will take place every Monday and Friday afternoon. Please ensure that all items of clothing, especially sweatshirts, are clearly labelled. Long hair should be tied back. Earrings should be removed, for health and safety. If your child is unable to take part in PE, please contact the school office. It is recommended that PE bags remain in school for the entire half term. This is because children may be required to have PE kit on days other than specified PE days, on rare occasions. Additionally, children will be required to have a pair of trainers in school every day for participation in the Daily Mile. PE bags will be sent home every half term. For this term children need to have available an outdoor PE kit including trainers.

In Autumn, Owl Class will be engaging initially with a topic focused on 'The United Kingdom' with a Geography focus followed by a topic on 'Land Use- Yorkshire and Humber Region'.   As part of this, during our English lessons, we will be reading the texts, 'Fortunately, the milk' by Neil Gaiman and 'Pugs of the Frozen North' by Philip Reeve and Sarah McIntyre.

In maths, we will be deepening our understanding of number and place value, addition and subtraction and multiplication and division. 

In PE, pupils will be engaging with tennis and learning about the fundamentals of sport and physical activity. 

Please see the curriculum overview and plans below for more information on what Owl Class will be learning this half-term. 

Owl Class Autumn Term One

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Owl Class Autumn Term 2

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In Spring, Owl Class will be engaging with a Geography unit focused on comparing our own region in England with Campania, Italy.  As part of this, during our English lessons, we will be reading the text, 'Hello Lighthouse' by Sophie Blackall.

Please see the curriculum overview and plans below for more information on what Owl Class will be learning this term.


Owl Class Spring One 2023-24

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Owl Class Spring Two 2023-24

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In Summer, Owl Class will be engaging with a History unit focused on Ancient Egypt.  As part of this, during our English lessons, we will be reading the text, 'Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx' by Joe Todd Stanton. 

Please see the curriculum overview and plans below for more information on what Owl Class will be learning this term.

Owl Class Summer One 2023-24

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Owl Class Summer Two 2023-24

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Updated: 04/06/2024 79 KB

Owl Class Chat - Year 3

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